Ever heard of this one phamaceutical products call Cialis Malaysia?
To those who don’t know, Cialis is a brand name for tadalafil medication that is used to treat erectile dysfunction.
Other than that, it also used to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and pulmonary arterial hypertension.
In Malaysia, this drug is commonly known as Cialis. Thus, Cialis Malaysia is termed for easier and familiar understanding.
This drug is unknown to people who are considered healthy or without any medical condition that needs special attention from a medical provider. But, adult male with erectile dysfunction who seek help from the doctor might come across this drug.
What is Cialis actually and why does it play such a significant role in treating erectile dysfunction among men? Let’s find out.
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Uses of Cialis Malaysia
In Malaysia, Cialis is mainly used to treat male sexual function problems like impotence or erectile dysfunction, ED.
It works by increasing the blood flow to the penis to help a man get and keep an erection.
Cialis is also used to treat the symptoms of an enlarged prostate, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia-BPH.
It functions by relaxing the smooth muscle in the prostate and bladder, relieving the symptoms of BPH such as frequent urination and difficulty in the beginning of the flow of urine.
Side Effects of Cialis
Every drug prescribed by the doctor or even over-the-counter drugs have their side effects. Cialis is not an exception as well.
The most common side effects of Cialis are:
- Headache
- Indigestion
- Back pain
- Muscle aches
- Flushing
- Stuffy or runny nose.
These side effects usually will go away after a few hours of consuming Cialis.
Men who get back pain and muscle aches usually get it 12 to 24 hours after taking Cialis.
Back pain and muscle aches usually go away within 2 days.
If you get any side effect that bothers you or one that does not go away, please seek help from the health provider.
The followings are the uncommon but serious side effects of Cialis which include:
- An erection that would not subside. If you get an erection lasting more than 4 hours, seek immediate medical help to avoid long-term injury.
- Sudden decrease or loss of vision or hearing, sometimes with ringing in the ears and dizziness. It is not possible to determine if these events are related directly to Cialis.
If you have come across any of these serious side effects right after consuming Cialis, stop taking the future doses and seek medical attention right away.
Any moment later might cause insurmountable damage to your body.
So, now we know the uses and side effects of Cialis. Let’s go to factors to be considered before taking Cialis.
Factors to be Considered before Taking Cialis
As a man having difficulty maintaining the erection, this situation must be overwhelmingly hard for him.
To maintain his pride, he must find the ultimate solution to the problem as soon as possible.
Considering his situation, he might be getting Cialis without consulting the doctor first. Or, he might consider lying to the doctor about his overall health condition.
Please reconsider doing so as the following situations are not favorable for people with certain health conditions to take Cialis:
- Patients who have a condition called “left ventricular outlet obstruction” from valvular problems or heart muscle enlargement may get side effects such as fainting or light-headedness.
- Patients with recent heart attacks or stroke, heart pains (angina), heart failure, uncontrolled blood pressure or uncontrolled irregular heartbeats, severe liver disease, and retinal eye problems were not studied with Cialis. Hence, Cialis is not recommended for these patients.
- There may be rare occurrences of priapism or painful, prolonged erections. This is a serious condition that requires immediate medical attention. Patients should seek prompt medical attention if their erection lasts longer than four hours.
- Cialis should not be used by patients taking nitrates such as nitroglycerin tablets or patches because the combination of these with Cialis could significantly lower blood pressure and lead to fainting or even death in some men.
Better be safe than sorry. Be honest with the doctor about your health condition, the medicine that you have been taking and any other things that are related to your health.
This information is crucial for the doctor to assess the suitability of you to consume Cialis.
If everything is well-considered and the doctor allows it after careful thoughts, only then you are allowed to be prescribed with Cialis.
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How to Buy Cialis in Malaysia
The fact is that Cialis in Malaysia can only be bought in pharmacies with prescriptions obtained from a certified doctor only.
So, it was impossible to come across with Cialis while you were taking a stroll in the aisle of Watsons and Guardian stores if you are looking for Cialis Malaysia Guardian.
No traces of Cialis have been sold on famous online stores such as Shopee and Lazada as well.
This might be due to the effects of the drugs if abused, causing fatal damages that are hard to be reversed once taken effect on one’s body.
However, please be seated and relax as the following online store has what you are searching for.
In www.pillsmalaysia.my, you can buy any kind of medication as it is an authentic and verified website. So, you can get Cialis in Malaysia from there.
Though, it is seriously advisable for men who want to try this medicine out to consult a doctor beforehand. It is crucial as the doctor needs to assess the men’s condition first before prescribing any medications that are suitable for the patients’ current condition.
If only you have got the prescriptions and have been using Cialis in Malaysia without further worrying effects and your pills are used up and you want to restock it.
Only then consider buying it from the website or go to the pharmacy with the prescription to get your pills.
Cialis is not the ultimate solution to your impotence or erectile dysfunction problem. The underlying causes must be treated as well as lifestyle changes must be done for this problem to vanish from your life.
That’s all regarding Cialis Malaysia. Hope this article benefits you.
By the way guys, I’ve prepared something for you guys at the end of this article. Don’t forget to click on those yaa.
However, I wanted to thank you for reading this whole articles until the end.
But before that, i also want to explain something important for us.
An information for you guys, we at SuamiSihat.com.my really pay attention about everyone healthcare and well beings, especially when it comes to men’s health and our fellow husband in Malaysia.
We planned to share to everyone in the community the importance of men’s health and such other crucial things such as how to become a caring husband and father, promotes responsibilities traits, and making mentored and respectful individuals.
We hope that all of our sharing that has been posted here can help not only men, but also various levels of our societies so that everyone is able to sharpen their knowledge and widen their thoughts.
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Once again, thank you for reading the entire articles until the end.
Hope you are satisfied!
Take care! Assalamualaikum.
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