Top Best Erectile Dysfunction Clinic in Malaysia [UPDATED LIST 2024]

Writer Author SuamiSihat

Hadi Idham

Erectile Dysfunction Clinic Malaysia

Individuals who suffer erectile dysfunction and seem to search for the best treatments to cater the problem, this article is for you.


To be honest, it is really difficult to find any mens health clinics in this country, only a few of them are there to choose.


There are several cures offered by men’s erectile dysfunction clinic in Malaysia.



Generally, there are a few treatments that can help to cure erectile dysfunction such as:

  • ESWT (Shockwave Therapy)
  • P-shots
  • PDE5 Inhibitors
  • EECP


What happens at an erectile dysfunction clinic? Can erectile dysfunction treatment by yoga?


Before we go through bit by bit for each of the treatments offered, let us enhance our understanding regarding erectile dysfunction first.




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What is Erectile Dysfunction?



Erectile dysfunction or commonly known as ED is the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse.


About 1 in 10 adult males will experience erectile dysfunction throughout their entire lifetime and suffer ED on a long-term basis.



What is the Cause of Erectile Dysfunction?



Erectile Dysfunction Clinic Malaysia



The causes of erectile dysfunction may vary. These factors include:

  • Vascular disease: Blood supply to the penis can become blocked or narrowed as a result of vascular disease such as atherosclerosis which is the hardening of the arteries.
  • Neurological disorders such as multiple sclerosis: Nerves that send impulses to the penis can become damaged from stroke, diabetes or other causes.
  • Psychological states: These include stress, depression, lack of stimulus from the brain and performance anxiety.
  • Trauma: An injury could contribute to symptoms of ED. Operations for the prostate, bladder and colon cancer may also be the contributing factors.


While erectile dysfunction is the result of the said causes, one should be able to detect if he is having the men’s worst nightmare by checking into the symptoms of erectile dysfunction.


What are the symptoms of erectile dysfunction? Let’s find out.



Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction





If you have ED, you might experience:

  • Trouble in getting an erection though being stimulated over and over.
  • Trouble in keeping an erection for a long enough period of time.
  • Reduced in sex drive or low libido.
  • Feelings of embarrassment or guilt especially towards the sex partner.
  • Low self-esteem.
  • Premature ejaculation which is ejaculating too soon.
  • The inability to have an orgasm after sufficient stimulation.
  • Delayed ejaculation or when ejaculation takes too long to happen.


If most of the symptoms are in your list, then it is better to seek professional help to dissolve this trouble before it affects the individual as a whole.


The causes and the symptoms are defined now.


What’s next? Let’s head out to the solutions; the magical treatment of erectile dysfunction and best erectile dysfunction clinic Malaysia which is the main topic of this article.





Treatments of Erectile Dysfunction



Erectile Dysfunction Clinic Malaysia



Having man’s worst nightmare is not good yet problems come with solutions. Hence, there are various treatments offered by erectile dysfunction clinic in Malaysia.


  • ESWT (Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy)



Erectile Dysfunction Clinic Malaysia



During the treatment, a small wand-like device uses targeted sound waves to stimulate penile tissue and encourage the blood flow, which can also speed up the healing process.


The low-intensity shock waves have also been shown to grow new blood vessels and improve blood flow in the penis, which is essential for erections.


  • P-shots





The new method for treating erectile dysfunction is called P-shot or Priapus shot, which is named after the Greek god of virility.


In a nutshell, the P-shot is an injection of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) in the penis which will help with ED.


Platelet-rich plasma or PRP is a substance that is thought to promote healing when injected.


Plasma is a component of the blood that contains special characteristics or proteins that help the blood to clot.


It also contains proteins that support cell growth.


With this new cell growth spurt, it can dramatically improve the rejuvenation rates of the cells and reduce the effects of stress and oxidation to the tissues of the penis.


Basically, with this improvement to cell nourishment the penis as an organ will be able to function better as it turns to be healthier after having the P-shot.


  • PDE5 Inhibitors





PDE5 is an enzyme in the walls of blood vessels. It affects blood flow and how cells signal within the body.


PDE5 inhibitors block the PDE5 enzyme to prevent it from working. This inhibition relaxes the blood vessels and increases blood flow.


People may take PDE5 inhibitors to treat erectile dysfunction or pulmonary hypertension.


In people with erectile dysfunction, PDE5 inhibitors increase blood flow to the penis, thus improving the erectile function.


  • EECP





EECP stands for Enhanced External Counterpulsation. This treatment is meant for patients with angina.


Research shows that patients treated with EECP who also had erectile dysfunction showed significant improvement of blood flow in the heart as well as in the penis.


With all these treatments offered, ones who are diagnosed with ED shall not worry anymore. But which erectile dysfunction clinic near me offer these treatments in Malaysia?


Here are some lists of erectile dysfunction clinics in Malaysia.



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Private Erectile Dysfunction Clinics in Malaysia



Klinik SuamiSihat



  • Klinik SS, SS Healthcare Sdn Bhd.
  • Pantai Hospital Kuala Lumpur.
  • Klinik Baiduri, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
  • Your Physio Spine, Sport, Stroke Rehab Specialist (Cheras), Cheras, Kuala Lumpur.
  • Klinik Shatin, Ipoh, Perak.
  • KPJ Ampang Puteri Specialist Hospital, Ampang, Kuala Lumpur.
  • Gleneagles Penang Hospital, Pulau Pinang
  • Liew Clinic, 10 Boulevard, Petaling Jaya, Selangor
  • Poliklinik Wecare, Johor Bahru, Johor.
  • Klinik MedicVac, Cheras, Kuala Lumpur.
  • Gleneagles Hospital, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.


These erectile dysfunction clinics are the new hope for men with erectile dysfunction. All the treatments stated in this article can be found in the clinics.


In Klinik SS, all the treatments listed at the above list are provided. Klinik SS focused more on erectile dysfunction problems as ED would be their main field of expertise.


Hence, it would be the best choice for individuals with erectile dysfunction to seek medical intervention from Klinik SS.


Also, it provides men’s health screening for individuals that need their specialties to encounter ED problems.


The treatments offered come with costs that are borne by the patients.


So, before signing up for the treatments, let’s revise the costs first so that you are financially prepared.



Costs of Treatments of Erectile Dysfunction




  • ESWT (Shockwave Therapy)


Typically consists of six separate treatments. Each treatment will cost around RM1600-RM2000.

  • P-shots


It will fork out around RM1500-RM6000 depending on the patient’s condition.


  • PDE5 Inhibitors


These drugs will cost you around RM250-RM700 depends on the amount of the pills or doses needed.


  • EECP


This treatment costs around RM500 per session. EECP would be administered once a day for an hour for around 30-35 days. So, it will cost RM15000 for this treatment to be done.


To avoid these so-called costs, perhaps there are non-medical treatments or prevention methods to be taken so that such adult male will never have to experience this traumatic episode in their life.



Prevention of Erectile Dysfunction





  1. Quit smoking. Smoking is the lead factor in heart and vascular diseases which contribute to ED.
  2. Follow a healthy eating plan. A healthy diet consists of carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
  3. Maintain a healthy weight to prevent diabetes and high blood pressure.
  4. Be physically active. Regular exercise increases blood flow in the body including in the penis.
  5. Avoid using illegal drugs. Some drugs even prevent the user from getting aroused or sexually stimulated.


It is important to take the prevention methods seriously as prevention is better than cure. But, if you ever felt the need to consult the doctor, feel free to do so.


Erectile dysfunctions clinic Malaysia are your destinations to seek help for your erectile dysfunction problem.


Hope this article benefits you!


That’s all from us in regards to the men’s health clinic in Malaysia. Stay safe!


By the way guys, I’ve prepared something for you guys at the end of this article. Don’t forget to click on those yaa.



However, I wanted to thank you for reading this whole articles until the end.


But before that, i also want to explain something important for us.


An information for you guys, we at really pay attention about everyone healthcare and well beings, especially when it comes to men’s health and our fellow husband in Malaysia.



We planned to share to everyone in the community the importance of men’s health and such other crucial things such as how to become a caring husband and father, promotes responsibilities traits, and making mentored and respectful individuals.


We hope that all of our sharing that has been posted here can help not only men, but also various levels of our societies so that everyone is able to sharpen their knowledge and widen their thoughts.


To all the new readers out there, if you guys wanted to support our movements you guys can kindly liking our Facebook page below. .




Once again, thank you for reading the entire articles until the end.


Hope you are satisfied!


Take care! Assalamualaikum.



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